DECEMBER 6 | Teen PillariCANs celebrate the feast day of Saint Nicholas through a Eucharistic celebration presided by Rev. Fr. Rosales with the assistance of Mrs. Ma. Josefa D. Ortiz, Campus Ministry Director, Mr. Regin Rex S. Apostol, JHS Campus Ministry coordinator, and JHS Choir with the accompaniment played by Mr. Jojo C. Peñaverde.

St. Nicholas, one of the patron saints of children and of sailors, is also known as “Nikolaos of Myra,” and was a fourth century saint and Greek bishop of Myra. Nicholas was born in Asia Minor in the Roman Empire as an only child to Christian parents. “He was exceedingly well brought up by his parents and trod piously in their footsteps. The child, watched over by the church, enlightened his mind and encouraged his thirst for sincere and true religion.” Both of his parents tragically died during an epidemic when he was a young man, leaving him well off, but to be raised by his uncle – the Bishop of Patara. Nicholas was determined to devote his inheritance to works of charity, and his uncle mentored him as a reader and later ordained him as a presbyter (priest).

Saint Nicholas, also commonly associated with one of the symbols of Christmas, Santa Claus, was known for his secret gift-giving to children and less fortunate people in his diocese.

Source: Catholic Online

Photos by Freiza Mishca Zafra, Denise Foronda, Ricardo Ramil